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Name = Timekeeper Demo 3.04
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Timekeeper Demo 3.04
Size: 84K Date:11/22/93 Version: 3.04demo
Timekeeper Demo 3.04 - Timekeeper is for anybody who charges for their time
by the hour. It lets you keep track of projects you've worked on for
different clients, and how much you're charging them for each activity you
perform on a project. It offers extensive reporting, exporting and printing
capabilities, to give you the flexibility to use the data you store on your
projects in the ways that work best for you. This Timekeeper 3.03 demo
offers nearly every feature available in the full working version, with the
limitation that you can only track up to seven projects, and only for up to
20 days.
Name = Tradex 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Tradex 1.0
Size:391K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
Tradex 1.0 - Tradex is a stock market technical analysis and portfolio
manager for the Macintosh. It has been designed as a sophisticated tool for
the reasonably experienced or expert technical analyst to evaluate stocks
with respect to their historical prices and volumes. Most of the well-known
technical indicators are included, as well as some not-so-well-known ones,
and some unique specimens as well. These indicator functions can be applied
in any combination. For example, you can take a 12-period moving average, a
7-period moving average of that 12-period moving average, the momentum of
the 7-period moving average, etc. Tradex does not supply tips for making
money, or money making investments.
Name = Mom & Dad's EnvelopePr1.51
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mom & Dad's EnvelopePr1.51
Size:255K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.51
Mom & Dad's EnvelopePrinter 1.51 - First things first, in order to use Mom
& Dad's program, you must have a printer that can specify an envelope of
any size in the Page Setup box. Printers such as the HP DeskWriter, Apple's
LaserWriter, etc. all have this in their Page Setup and can use this
program. Mom & Dad's Easy Envelope Printing automatically adjusts to the
envelope size selected. Printer's like the ImageWriter don't have this, and
thus can't, as yet, use this program. Some features - Stores your return
address as a default, Sorts mailing list on - name, address, city, state,
or zip, and up or down, and you can set up multiple mailing lists. Works
with System 6 or 7.
Name = Commander Demo1.2b2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Commander Demo1.2b2
Size: 46K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.2b2demo
Commander Demo1.2b2 - Commander is an on-line command reference database
for the 4th Dimension procedural language. Commander contains over 95
percent of the 4th Dimension Language Reference Manual in an easy to use
and search format. All 4th Dimension commands are included along with the
full descriptions of those commands as contained in the Language Reference
Manual. Additional notes and source code examples have been added to
suppliment the original decriptions where appropriate. This demo contains
entries beginning with A and a few of B. The retail package sells for $100.
Commander is Copyright 1993 Golden Micro Solutions.
Name = Address Book 3.6.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Address Book 3.6.5
Size:330K Date:11/20/93 Version: 3.6.5
Address Book 3.6.5 - Address Book keeps addresses and phone numbers in a
conveniently retrievable form, can dial out through speaker or modem, does
labels, envelopes (with bar codes) and can print a pocket phone book. This
is one of the more inclusive shareware address book programs around! You
can also import and export data files, and merge address files. This
package contains the color application and a smaller black and white DA
version. Includes help file and a sample list file. System 7 and 32 bit
Name = 4D Gestalt Pro 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D Gestalt Pro 1.0
Size: 49K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
4D Gestalt Pro 1.0 - This is an external for 4th dimension. This external
package contains several functions to access the Gestalt Manager which is
part of the system software. The Gestalt Manager provides a way to obtain
general information about installed software and hardware. Using the
Gestalt Pro package, you can ask the Gestalt Manager for specific
information. Also included is the Supplemental Gestalt Selectors List
(edited by Rene Ros), and full documentation.
Name = LogMaster 3.0b4Unreg
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:LogMaster 3.0b4Unreg
Size: 50K Date:11/10/93 Version: 3.0b4
LogMaster 3.0b4Unreg - Do you need to keep track of hours worked on certain
projects. How about the number of people working on the project? If so,
then LogMaster is for you. Simply enter project names, enter hourly rate,
and then whenever you work on the project, press start, and when done,
press stop. You can also go in and hand edit entries. The program keeps
track of each project's total amount of time and money spent, and amount
owed and paid by the client. Great for lawyers! Fully functioning
unregistered version beeps at you every five minutes until registered.
Name = TimecodeCalc 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TimecodeCalc 2.0
Size: 35K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.0
TimecodeCalc 2.0 - The Timecode Calculator is made for anyone who has ever
needed to add or subtract clock time. Videographers and audio enthusiasts
will find it very useful in adding times together. It outputs your request
(such as "1-45 + 2-23") in frames and total time in the format HH-MM-SS-FF
and has a selection for output of non-drop frame (30 frames a second) or
drop frame (29.9699 frames a second). This is also a helpful program for
when you want to quickly figure out how many hours you've spent on
something, or if you want to know what 1-36 minus 2-45 is (in minutes).
Helpful also for payroll personnel!
Name = RunTally1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:R:RunTally1.0
Size: 8K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0
RunTally1.0 - This is an Excel spreadsheet. This scoresheet is just a
beginning. I needed something to prove to a friend that I was beating him
in Scrabble even though he’s won more games than I have. (Lies, lies, and
statistics, right?) Anyway, while this already works fine, I hope some
Excel expert out there will take this as an inspiration and add to it....
If that expert is you, please post it! Requires Excel to open.
Name = McZip 2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:McZip 2.2
Size:308K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.2
McZip 2.2 - McZip 2.2 (latest version September 19, 1993) contains a search
application, dual 5-digit database files, and Read Me First documentation.
McZip is a stand alone search application that enables the Macintosh user
to access states, cities and five digit zip codes in all of the continental
United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories in both the Atlantic
and the Pacific, including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. This is
approximately 1,000 pages of data. Compatible with System 7 and 32-bit
addressing. The user may search by either a city, a state (two letter
code), or a zip code. A complete search of all 42,000+ cities (on the
average) takes between 2 and 2.5 minutes when run from a hard disk.
Name = FoneMate 1.7.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FoneMate 1.7.0
Size: 17K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.7.0
FoneMate 1.7.0 - FoneMate is an application for keeping up to 1000 phone
numbers and e-mail addresses handy. If you call/send e-mail often, this
application is for you. Features include - listing in alphabetical order,
Full searching capabilities, multiple finds. Adding, Removing, and Editing
existing names and e-mail addresses. Balloon Help (sys 7.x users). FoneMate
will display a scrollable list of the names you have entered, and with
a single click on the name,will display the phone number and e-mail address
associated with the selected name. A double-click on the name in the list
will bring up a dialog for editing the name/phone/and e-mail entries.
Name = AreaCodeFinder 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:AreaCodeFinder 3.0
Size: 63K Date:10/28/93 Version: 3.0
AreaCodeFinder 3.0 - Ever need to call to find a phone number in a state
which has multiple Area Codes. You randomly pick an area code only to have
the operator tell you that the city you desire is in a different area code.
Call again! This program simplifies everything! You can enter a city and
search for it's code. You can enter a state, have the codes displayed, then
double click on one code to view the cities within the area. ADD or REMOVE
cities, area codes, postal codes, etc. Can hold up to 300 cities per area
code or 45,600 cities total in the database. You can also view a U.S. map
with all of time zones. Plus you can print lists of area codes or cities or
whatever you want. This is a very handy tool!!
Name = VendorDA 1.42
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:VendorDA 1.42
Size:172K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.42
VendorDA 1.42 - VendorDA is a listing of 911 vendors of Macintosh, and
Macintosh related products, along with their Main, Sales, and Technical
Support/FAX numbers. It is intended for everyone, but should be of
particular use to those who make a living supporting Macintosh. This
release adds 133 new listings, and includes 120 changes/updates to version
1.4.1. I've included some of the major players in the PC-clone business in
this release, for those support providers who may need cross-platform
support. With this release I've started including both the color and B&W
versions in the same package. This program is a stand alone application in
System 6 and 7, and no longer an actual DA.
Name = ContactNotes 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:ContactNotes 1.0.2
Size:121K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.02
ContactNotes 1.0.2 - This simple program looks like most commercial contact
management programs, and it is easier to operate (though it cannot compete
with commercial programs). Most operations are done right from the buttons
directly, so you do not have to drag through menu bar to find the commands.
ContactNotes keeps 3 different categories - Friends & Family, Business, and
Information. There is no maximum records limit, and you can input as many
records as you like until you run out of your memory. Help windows are
available through every activating window, you can click Help button as
soon as you need any help.
Name = VendorPhoneList
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:VendorPhoneList
Size: 65K Date: 9/21/93 Version:
VendorPhoneList - This is a phone list to be used with Address Book 3.6.3
or later. This list contains over 1500 Mac and Computer related companies,
and has their addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers if available.
Name = GMS Calendar 1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:GMS Calendar 1.5
Size: 88K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 1.5
GMS Calendar 1.5 - This calendar is small, runs in the background, will
import and export daily notes, will quickly find daily notes, copies the
date to the clipboard, has a to do list and is extremely easy to use. When
the calender is in the background, a small icon shows up in its place,
click on the icon and the calender comes back. The calender is very
configurable, you can choose the font, size, style and color. Put it in
your Startup Items folder (Sys7) or make it a Startup Application (Sys6)
and you'll always have a calender when you need it.
Name = Engineering Asst. 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Engineering Asst. 1.4
Size:166K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 1.4
Engineering Asst. 1.4 - With Engineering Assistant 1.4, you will never need
to grab for your calculator to make quick conversions or even pull out your
manuals to find a material property, constant or formula. Engineering
Assistant provides an easy and convenient method for storing and retrieving
all this important information for you. All three utilities feature simple,
yet powerful editing capabilites so that you can add, delete, or modify its
contents. With Engineering Assistant you can have an unlimited number of
conversions, frequently used constants, and formulas easily accessible.
There are so many conversions to choose from - You can convert find out
what 1 foot is in - hands, inches, leagues, kilometers...shows calcs too.
Name = Bitwise 1.3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Bitwise 1.3.0
Size: 27K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 1.3.0
Bitwise 1.3.0 - Bitwise is a versatile and easy to use calculator with many
unique features. It was specifically designed for programmers of personal
computers and microprocessors. Some of Bitwise' key features include -
Continuous Memory of all Registers, Modes, and Window Position on Desktop;
Instant conversion between Hexadecimal, Decimal, Octal, and Binary; Choose
from Word Sizes of 8, 16, and 32 bits; Backspace key corrects input errors
without retyping entire number; Optional Byte/Nibble Marks in Binary mode;
Optional Leading Zeros in Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary modes; Unique
Pop-Up Stack Register Display with Register Selection; Carry & Overflow
Flags and much more! Excellent calculator (does regular stuff, too.)
Name = Vendor Email/Phone number
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Vendor Email/Phone number
Size:277K Date: 9/16/93 Version:
Vendor Email/Phone number - Here are two address lists for use with Address
Book 3.x. Each list contains 109 names and numbers for various commercial
vendors and mail order houses. One list contains phone numbers, the other
contains e-mail numbers. You can even merge this file into your own address
lists. Has most of the major companies. You can find Address Book in the
business section.
Name = Right on Time 2.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:R:Right on Time 2.5
Size:121K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 2.5
Right on Time 2.5 - Right On Time is a versatile application which provides
To-Do List, Calendar, and Reminder features. You can set up one-time or
repeating reminders, and Right On Time will notify you when the reminders
are due. You can also create to-do items, which are like reminders but have
no specific due date. You can organize your reminders and to-do items by
category, and play sounds when reminders are due. You can use Right On Time
to remind you when bills are due, when birthdays or anniversaries are
coming up, or other important dates. With the archiving feature, you can
also keep a history of significant events. The perpetual calendar built in
to Right On Time can show you any month of any year (with certain limits).
Name = QuickLook Shipper 3.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:QuickLook Shipper 3.01
Size:314K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 3.01
QuickLook 3.01 - The shareware QuickLook Shipper was designed for the
business or individual that does UPS shipping, but averages less than the
20 or so packages a day needed to justify using a full UPS manifest system.
The QuickLook Shipper works as a fast shipping charges calculator that can
work as a desk accessory under System 7. It handles both domestic and
international UPS shipping. Features - Quick calc UPS shipping charges
calculator, Minimum, maximum, percentage handling charge, Fixed amount
handling charge, Finds UPS USA rate and zone from the zip code entered,
Allows all UPS shipping types, Handles Saturday delivery charges,
GroundTrac charges, COD charges, Blue label letter packages and more!!
Name = Postal Rates & Fees
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Postal Rates & Fees
Size: 61K Date: 9/16/93 Version:
Postal Rates & Fees - This is a DOCMaker (standalone) text document that
contains various Postal Rates & Fees divided into chapters for quick and
easy access. Chapter topics include - Express Mail, Priority Mail, First &
Third Class Mail Rates, Fourth Class Rates (Parcel Post), Special Fourth
Class (Book Rates), Library Rates, COD & Insured Fees, Registered Mail
Fees, Other Services, Stamps (General denomination availablity), Size
Standards, State Abbreviations, Zone Chart Information, and International
Letter Rates.
Name = GourMac 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:GourMac 1.1
Size:141K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.1
GourMac 1.1 - Greetings and welcome to GourMac, the finest recipe
file/index available for the Macintosh family of computers. GourMac is a
FileMaker Pro template. You must have FileMaker Pro installed on your
Macintosh for GourMac to operate. I have included two versions of GourMac.
The version called "GourMac" is designed for 13" color monitors and larger.
The other version is called "GourMac SS." The SS stands for small screen
and should work on all Macs, in color or black and white. The fields used
in both are identical so you should be able to import and export recipes
from either one at will. This is a good template and includes some tasty
sounding recipes!
Name = Billing FM Pro 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Billing FM Pro 2.0
Size:217K Date: 9/16/93 Version:
Billing FM Pro 2.0 - Complete Billing Program for use with FileMaker Pro
2.0. Program Features Include - only three main data entry fields, Can be
fully customized for your business, Keeps track of Late Notices,
Statements, Monthly Income Report, Tax Reports, Client Letter, Fax Cover
Sheet, Mailing Labels, Rolodex Cards, Customer History, 30 Day Overdue
Tracking Invoices, Invoice List, Client Listing, Automatic Linking, and
Misc. Others. This program is fully functional EXCEPT for in the BILLING
file where no customizing can be performed without a password. Password
can be obtained by sending the author the shareware fee.
Name = DeskMates 1.07
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DeskMates 1.07
Size:261K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.07
DeskMates 1.07 - DeskMates is a shareware program containing many full
function items - An analog clock, notebook, stopwatch, calculator,
calendar, alarm clock and date pad. Also contains a fully integrated
on-line help system (and hence DeskMates does not need a manual). Note that
the positions and sizes of these tools can be set by the Preferences menu
item under the File menu. You can set which tool windows will open at
startup. A great collection which will work with Systems 6 and 7, and most
Name = Calculator II 1.23
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Calculator II 1.23
Size: 54K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.23
Calculator II 1.23 - Calculator II is a pleasant looking color
multi-function calculator that runs as an application under system 6.x or
System 7. It improves on Apple’s original calculator by adding
trigonometric functions, functions for base 10 and natural logorithms and
their inverses, hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex conversion, a percent
increase/decrease key, a memory function for storing values across uses of
the program, and all of these functions can be invoked by using the F-Keys
on the Apple Extended keyboard (F5 - F15). A Ticker Tape is also provided
to display the results of past calculations. The author recommends that
everyone upgrades to this version.
Name = Bits & Pieces 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Bits & Pieces 1.01
Size: 17K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.01
Bits & Pieces 1.01 - Bits & Pieces is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 template which
can be used to organize all of the small bits of information that can
clutter your desk or home. Bits & Pieces keeps track of Keywords, notes,
date created, time created and date information expires for each card. Has
a spell and find feature also, and a print function. Bits & Pieces is part
of an ever growing library of useful FileMaker templates for the home and
Name = SmartCal2.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:S:SmartCal2.4
Size: 24K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 2.4
SmartCal2.4 - Smart Calendar is an INIT/Application combination. The
Calendar program allows you to save messages, and the INIT reminds you of
them when you start up your Macintosh or when the date changes. Reminders
may be done one of two ways - a flashing icon telling you to look at the
calendar, or an alert box which contains the message. Features - Supports
yearly, monthly, weekly and special messages. For example - To have
SmartCal tell you "Merry Christmas" each year, click on Dec, then on 25,
then on the "Yearly" button. Type "Merry Christmas" into the text window.
Monthly and Weekly messages are entered the same way. A very good shareware
calender reminding program!
Name = MacOptions 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacOptions 1.1
Size: 60K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.1
MacOptions 1.1 - MacOptions is a shareware program that computes Option
parameters, and Implied and Historical volatility. Stock, Index, or Future
options are supported. Since MacOptions may compute options using the
Black-Scholes or Binomial algorithms, the above options may be either
European or American! Also you may select the options to be computed using
trading days instead of calender days. If trading days are selected,
MacOptions automatically excludes weekends and holidays from the day count
used in computations. Implied Volatility may be computed using the above
parameters, even American! Historical volatility will compute the close to
close or day high-low volatility.
Name = FndByFmt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FndByFmt
Size: 16K Date: 9/10/93 Version:
FndByFmt - FndByFmt.XLA puts a command on the Formula menu, below
the Find command - "Find By Format...". Select the formatting attributes
you want to find, choose OK, and this macro will find the cells with the
formatting you chose. Also defines a name, "FoundCells", that refers to the
cells that were found. This allows you to use the Go to command to return
to the found cells. You might also define your own name to the found cells,
which you can then use in a formula. For example, if you named the cells
Totals, you could sum them with =SUM(Totals). It works on BOTH Macintosh
and Windows platforms. This macro requires Excel 4.0 (Mac).
Name = 4D Volumes 1.0.3.ext
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D Volumes 1.0.3.ext
Size: 3K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.0.3
4D Volumes 1.0.3.ext - This external returns name and file system name of a
volume. It is for use with the Fourth Dimension data base. See the 4D
Externals demo file for an example on how to use this external.
Name = 4D Speech Pack 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D Speech Pack 2.0
Size: 69K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 2.0
4D Speech Pack 2.0 - This external package uses the Speech Manager which is
installed by the Speech Manager extension. It allows you to let your
Macintosh read out the text you specify in your Database. Each text can be
read using a different voice. You specify the type of voice by the name it
has. With the Speech Manager 1.1.1, ten voices are installed and usable
from within a 4D data-base. This external is written using the interface
files included with the Speech Manager extension distributed by Apple.
Documents are included, as well as another 4D external - 4D AddresSpeech.
Name = 4D FindFolder 1.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D FindFolder 1.2.1
Size: 26K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.2.1
4D FindFolder 1.2.1 - This 4D external returns a string containing the path
of special folders using the FindFolder system procedure. It is meant to be
used together with the FilePack external, but can be used without it. In
addition, it is able to return other paths as well, in some cases not to a
folder but to an application or document. It will never have any
interaction with the user of the Forth Dimension data base. See the 4D
Externals demo file for an example on how to use this external.
Name = 4D ErrorString 2.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D ErrorString 2.0.2
Size: 12K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 2.0.2
4D ErrorString 2.0.2 - This external returns in a string containing a
string describing the error of which you passed the error-number. Includes
all errors 4D versions 2 and 3 can return, as well as some standard Apple
error numbers returned by externals. FreeWare. This external is for use
with the Fourth Dimension Database. See the 4D Externals demo file for an
example on how to use this external.
Name = FoneMate 1.5.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FoneMate 1.5.4
Size: 18K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.5.4
FoneMate 1.5.4 - FoneMate is an application for keeping up to 1000 phone
numbers and e-mail addresses handy. If you call/send e-mail often, this
application is for you. Features include - listing in alphabetical order,
Full searching capabilities, multiple finds, Adding, Removing, and Editing
existing names and e-mail addresses, and Balloon Help (sys 7.x users)
thanks to Judd Stiff. FoneMate will display a scrollable list of the names
you have entered, and with a single click on the name, will display the
phone number and e-mail address associated with the selected name. A
double-click on the name in the list will bring up a dialog for editing the
name/phone/and e-mail entries.
Name = Your Bills Due 4.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Your Bills Due 4.4
Size:186K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 4.4
Your Bills Due 4.4 - Bills Due is a FileMaker Pro template which keeps you
and your bills in touch. This template lets you enter all of your bills, as
you receive them, with their dates due. Then it tells you when you must pay
them to stay "on time". It also projects how your cash flow looks, is you
financial position improving or worsening? It even lets you distinguish
between current debt (next 30 days) and long term debt (any length of
time). This is a demo version of the shareware program. In order to receive
Updates, and the password which unlocks the template so you can customize
it, you need to register.
Name = Business Plan Master 2.8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Business Plan Master 2.8
Size:165K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 2.8
Business Plan Master 2.8 - Every business needs a business plan - Fortune
500 or Mom & Pop. Investors demand them! These complete template files will
save weeks of time. All financial reports and analysis (cash flow, income
statements, balance sheets, ratios, etc.) Excellent for both service and
product based companies. Comes with templates for use with Word, Excel or
Works. Templates can also be imported into other programs. Bob LeVitus
calls it "...one of the best". Registration is $34 (business) or $44
Name = 4D ScreenRes 1.0.1.ext
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D ScreenRes 1.0.1.ext
Size: 2K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 1.01
4D ScreenRes 1.0.1.ext - This external for Fourth Dimension returns
horizontal, vertical resolution and screen depth of the main screen. It is
for use with the Fourth Dimension data base. See the 4D Externals demo file
for an example on how to use this external.
Name = 4D MountPack 1.0R
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D MountPack 1.0R
Size: 30K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 1.0R
4D MountPack 1.0R - This package contains several external commands to
mount shared AppleShare volumes programmatically from within an 4Th
Dimension application. Also to unmount them and to provide some information
directly usable with the main commands. This external needs the System 7.x
or the AppleShare Workstation 3.0 'AppleShare Chooser extension' installed
to work. The external does test for the chooser extension version. If an
error occurs while determining the version or the version is not recent the
external command will not be executed and an error is returned. When using
System 7 the AppleShare extension file MUST be in the Extensions Folder,
otherwise it will not be found. To use with System 6, read the docs.
Name = 4D Alert 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D Alert 1.0
Size: 19K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 1.0
4D Alert 1.0 - This external displays an alert window with text you put
into it using ResEdit or passing text thru the external. It allows you to
use different items including icons, pictures etc. When you display the
same alert several times after the other the stage info is normally used.
This means you can set the default button and number of sounds for each
occurence withing the ALRT resource. In comparison with using ALERT or
DIALOG to display a layout, 4D Alert is faster, selects the icon you want,
when displayed on top of a window with a selection, refreshing is halted.
access to system resources, and auto positioning (for System 7 users only).
Requires Fourth Dimension. See 4D External Demo for user help.
Name = TakeAction!3.0D
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TakeAction!3.0D
Size: 32K Date: 8/03/93 Version: 3.0 Demo
TakeAction!3.0 Demo - TakeAction! is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 template designed
for managing your tasks. Scripts accessible via buttons perform various
sorts and find requests. Ideal for keeping track of both personal and
business tasks. The addition of an owner filed makes TakeAction! a perfect
solution for groups on a network. Elegant interface makes TakeAction! nice
to look at. This demo allows Browse, Edit and Delete features only. The $15
registration provides full access to all of the features.
Name = Home Inventory 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Home Inventory 1.0
Size: 16K Date: 8/03/93 Version: 1.0
Home Inventory 1.0 - This is a rather good looking Filemaker Pro template
for logging your home electronics, furniture or any other item of value.
You can search for items by Manufacturer, Serial Number, Model Number or
even an approx date of purchase range. Print reports for insurance
purposes. This template is password protected and will allow you to view
records, create records, and print records. You can’t change any layouts or
any of the other changing parts. If you like it and need the password just
leave me E-Mail and I’ll send it to you and then you can send me whatever
you want. Money, stamps, postcards, photo’s, candy, lobster tails or
whatever you want. This file requires FileMaker Pro 2.0.
Name = Pro Card Trader 1.00
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Pro Card Trader 1.00
Size:131K Date: 7/28/93 Version: 1.00
Pro Card Trader 1.00 - This is an easy to use card collector's data base.
Features include - Capable of a virtually unlimited number cards, Prints
catalog of collection, Will generate catalogs by cost or value, Allows you
to keep track of your cost and the current value of each card, Import and
export of tab delimited text files. (Sample import/export file enclosed.)
This will be an invaluable program for card collectors and traders.
Name = MacInterest 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacInterest 2.0
Size: 48K Date: 7/28/93 Version: 2.0
MacInterest 2.0 - Updated version of the Shareware 500 loan and investment
calculator. Still has loan calculator to allow one to calculate payments,
periods, or interest on loans; and investment calculator to calculate
investment returns. Now includes color support, menus, and a new calculator
to handle periodic investments.
Name = Auspice 3.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Auspice 3.1
Size: 51K Date: 7/28/93 Version: 3.1
Auspice 3.1 - Auspice 3.1 is a very nice calendar/reminder application that
goes in your Startup Folder. After entering appointments, birthdays, and
special events into the calendar, Auspice will remind you of them. You
simply set the reminder to pop up at a specified time interval before the
event, and it will remind you of what's going on. Postcardware.
Name = Membership Minder 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Membership Minder 1.0
Size: 75K Date: 7/22/93 Version: 1.0
Membership Minder 1.0 - Do one thing, and do it well. We’ve all heard it,
and this little program tries to live by that rule. You may not agree that
it does it well, but it certainly only does one thing - maintain membership
lists. My wife is the membership secretary for a couple of local
organizations, and needs to maintain and print membership lists. When none
of the other programs we tried seemed to quite fit the bill for her, I
decided to write the exact program that she wanted; simple and to the
point. What she wanted was a program that would let her do fast data entry,
and print membership lists with specs like - I need names and addresses,
about 20 to a page. Easy to use membership program.
Name = Payroll
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Payroll
Size: 14K Date: 7/15/93 Version:
Payroll - This is a spreadsheet that allows you to calculate payroll for
your company. This was designed for a company that has billing for several
differenct clients etc. This program is setup to calculate FICA, Workers
Compensation and Retirement. Use your own percentage rates for the Benefits
if you like. It is set up for 25 different programs or clients and 10
employees, you decide if you want more or less. Requires Microsoft Excel.
Name = Finance 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:Finance 3.0
Size: 82K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 3.0
Finance 3.0 - Finance 3.0 is the latest release of the popular personal
finance application that keeps track of an unlimited number of accounts.
Finance can move smoothly between accounts without the necessity of double
bookkeeping. Finance reconciles your accounts with one-button ease and it
has a personal budget feature to track your expenses. Finance also has
extensive search capabilities. Finance 3.0 is faster, it offers extended
print and sort capabilities, supports tax deductible transactions, and now
easily tracks as many as 37 budget categories at once.
Name = EZ Forms
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:EZ Forms
Size: 14K Date: 7/15/93 Version:
EZ Forms - Here are 4 commonly used business forms in Excel 3.0 format. The
enclosed forms are - Estimate, Invoice, Work Order, and Quotation (Bid)
Please read the enclosed READ ME file for more information and for the
shareware cost if you decide to use them.
Name = DeskTools 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DeskTools 2.0
Size:230K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 2.0
DeskTools 2.0 - DeskTools is a Personal Information Manager. You can
maintain multiple telephone directories, multiple
calendar/appointment/alarms lists, multiple glossary lists which are ideal
to store diskette info, bibliographies, summaries, news, etc. A small text
editor is also included. You can print telephone lists in double column or
single column format, and print mailing labels, rolodex cards, business
envelopes and diskette labels. Calendars can be printed in daily, weekly,
monthly and yearly format. Prioritize to do lists, and more.
Name = CasioTalk 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:CasioTalk 2.0
Size: 82K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 2.0
CasioTalk 2.0 - CasioTalk allows for communication between any Apple
Macintosh computer and a Casio BOSS digital diary. It has been designed to
handle the transfer of data in as general a way as possible. CasioTalk uses
a text file to represent the Casio’s data on the Macintosh. A few
formatting codes are used in the file to signify the organization of data
on the Casio. The text file can then be read by other Macintosh
applications, which can manipulate the data in any way. CasioTalk is not
intended to provide the functionality of a Macintosh-based scheduler and
address book. Instead, it acts as an intermediary between personal
organizing systems on the Macintosh and the Casio.
Name = APR Calculator
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:APR Calculator
Size: 13K Date: 7/15/93 Version:
APR Calculator - APR Calculator is an Excel 4.0 template which can easily
be used in the comparison of one mortgage lender to another. It calculates
APR for Truth In Lending purposes on common mortgage products. TIL and APR
are probably the two least understood mortgage functions. Use this
calculator to find the BEST LOAN and LEAST COSTLY lender. Comes with full
documentation on TIL and APR. Another tool for the savvy mortgage shopper.
Name = McHurricane 2.05SW
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:McHurricane 2.05SW
Size:267K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 2.05SW
McHurricane 2.05SW - McHurricane is a storm tracker covering the N.
Atlantic west from Cape Verde Islands. & E. Pacific thru Hawaiian Islands.
Required - Mac Plus or later, Super or hard drive, & System 6.0.5 or later.
System 7.1 compatible. 32-bit Quick Draw for color. Minimum application
memory size is 750K. For Millions of colors, use 2000K. McHurricane is
Shareware - $25. Registered owners upgrade for $2.00 or SASE with 52¢
Name = Dater 1.2b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Dater 1.2b1
Size: 53K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 1.2b1
Dater 1.2b1 - Cortex software has just devloped a brand new Calender
Program. It will allow you to look up any date from 1600 a.d. - 2200 a.d.
and print a certain month of that year. This file is great if you need to
set up dates FAR FAR FAR in advance because of its knowledge of many many
dates. This file is a BETA test. Cortex welcomes your comments about Dater.
Name = Remember? 2.3.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:R:Remember? 2.3.3
Size:131K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 2.33
Remember? 2.3.3 - Remember? is an excellent reminder/calendar DA. Allows
you to schedule reminders, keep up with your daily calendar, enter
persisting reminders (such as monthly payments), and more. Comes with
occasion files for notable birthday, holidays and historic occasions.
Customizable windows, colors, file types, etc. Versions since 2.3 feature
are much easier and friendly. Version 2.33 is a minor bug fix release.
Fixes problems with "Completed" items and improves compatibility. Adds a
few new preference items as well.
Name = PCalc 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:PCalc 1.0.2
Size: 98K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.02
PCalc 1.0.2 - This is a neat simulation of a programmable scientific
calculator with programmable functions via a simple mini language. Can be
controlled & programmed via Apple Events. Balloon Help for every button,
menu & dialog item, Resolves Aliases, 32-bit clean, Multifinder aware,
Large 16+3 digit display and Hierarchical menu of user functions.Includes
many functions for converting between different weights and measures.
Quick, one click, conversion between decimal, hexadecimal and binary
numbers. AND, OR, NOT, XOR, ROL, ROR and other extra functions in hex and
binary mode. 30 named user constants, 10 for each mode. 'Undo' of any
action. Requires System 7!
Name = Mariner 2.06
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mariner 2.06
Size:127K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 2.06
Mariner 2.06 - Mariner is a combo word processor and spreadsheet program.
Some features include - Split window interface Graphics, charts and styled
text fields displayed on the worksheet, Variable row and column size,
Individual cell formatting, Command bar menu shortcut, 3D worksheets, 128
layers per file, File to file linking, Text functions, Named ranges, Tear
off tool and pattern menus and Data is hot linked to charts (charts are
automatically redrawn when labels or worksheets may be imported/exported in
ASCII text background). A very nice program. This program is limited to 30
days of use after it's initial installation. Full program is $40.
Name = MacLawyer 2d (3.6)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacLawyer 2d (3.6)
Size:156K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 3.6
MacLawyer 2d (3.6) - Legal File Management for the MacIntosh. A set of
FileMaker Pro 2 Templates for Legal File Management on the Macintosh.
This set of Templates is designed for a simple law office of three or fewer
attorneys. This is not demo version, but the fully functional program.
Name = Do It All! 3.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Do It All! 3.02
Size:177K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 3.02
Do It All! 3.02 - Do It All! is a job prioritizer, to-do list, and
appointment manager. You can set Alarms for events, store jobs as
Current/Postponed/Done, TEXT export (use it to make reports of your Done
Jobs), and more. One the basic jobs of Do It All! is a "sliding priority"
job, for instance "low priority now but it should move up in my list so
that by October 1st it is the most important thing on the list" Check this
one out if you like your Mac to keep track of what you're doing!
Name = 4D External demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:4D External demo
Size: 36K Date: 6/28/93 Version: demo
4D External demo - This file contains an example data-base (4D 2.2.3) to
show the working of these externals I wrote - 4D Alert, 4D ErrorString, 4D
FindFolder, 4D ScreenRes, 4D Volumes, and 4D Worlddate.
Name = TrashClock 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TrashClock 1.1
Size: 14K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.1
TrashClock 1.1 - A small date and time clock for the desk top, which
appears near the trash can, but can be moved anywhere on the screen.
Requires MultiFinder or System 7.0. To use TrashClock - Drag the file
'TrashClock'into your Start-up Folder in the System Folder (System 7), or
You may double click and launch it at anytime.
Name = Postnet Decode 3.0S
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Postnet Decode 3.0S
Size: 16K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 3.0s
Postnet Decode 3.0S - Read those puzzling barcodes that appear on your
mail! POSTNET_DECODE is a program that decodes the United States Postal
Service (USPS) POSTNET barcodes. The tall and short bar patterns which
appear in the lower right corner of your mail (or in the address block)
encode the ZIP code and are used by USPS automated sorting equipment to
sort the mail. Barcodes are entered into the program using "1" for tall
bars and "." for short bars. Press <RETURN> when the barcode is entered and
the ZIP code and checksum will be displayed. All types of POSTNET codes can
be decoded (5 digit to 11 digit ZIP codes).
Name = PhoneBook Plus 2.6.7c
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:PhoneBook Plus 2.6.7c
Size: 93K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 2.67c
PhoneBook Plus 2.6.7c - Phonebook does what the name implies plus LOTS more
(super dialing, call tracking, envelopes, you name it) and does it quite
fast. Lots of people like it. Check it out. Also check out the DA version.
This latest incarnation fixes a nagging problem with pulse-dial phones,
allows longer addresses, and adds support for the Sequential Circuits
Desktop Dialer.
Name = Buncha Dates1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Buncha Dates1.0.1
Size: 13K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.01
Buncha Dates1.0.1 - An application that generates a simple
calendar based on a given date, from the year 1500 to the year 2000 and a
bit. It also gives the Julian Day number for the given date and vice versa.
This application shows a 50% reduction, on the screen, of what will come
out on paper. This application prints three Page formats - a Month, a Day
or a Year, based on the given date.
Name = Service 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:S:Service 2.1
Size:197K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 2.1
Service 2.1 - This is a collection of beautifully created FileMaker Pro
templates. This demo version allows limited access to each template. The
included templates are - Client Core, Invoices, Journal, Navigator, PICT
Library, QuickNumbers, Take Action and Text Library. There are too many
features in each template to list. If you use FileMaker Pro, take a look at
these templates!
Name = Mortgage Qualify
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mortgage Qualify
Size: 8K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
Mortgage Qualify - The most Detailed mortgage database on the market today.
Recommended for real estate agents or those who are interested in real
estate processes. This database is in Microsoft Excel format.
Name = Check It1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Check It1.0
Size: 30K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.0
Check It1.0 - Balance your checkbook with Check-It. Unlike other financial
programs, Check-It has been specially designed to focus only on your
checkbook. So you won't have to wade through a bewildering array of
features when all you really want to do is balance your checkbook. Check-It
checks the accuracy of each transaction in your check register, and lets
you know exactly where you made your mistakes.Using Check-It database
features makes it easy for you to locate checks by the name of the person
or company paid or by a general catagory such as "groceries," "car
payment," etc. Using Check-It's "Entry List" feature, a single click will
enter names or general catagories into Check-It without typing.
Name = Payroll Plus!v.1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Payroll Plus!v.1.0
Size: 55K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 1.0
Payroll Plus!1.0 - Payroll Plus is a template for the spreadsheet module of
ClarisWorks, or any spreadsheet application. Payroll Plus will accurately
calculate the payroll,including calculating the Social Security Tax,
Federal Withholding Tax, State Tax (if applicable), City Tax (if
applicable), Unemployment Tax (if applicable) for a small business with 1
to 7 employees (or more). Payroll Plus is completely customizable by the
user and can even be expanded for a larger number of employees, and a
custom template can be provided by the author if desired.
Name = DeltaTime 1.1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DeltaTime 1.1.0
Size: 66K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 1.1.0
DeltaTime 1.1.0 - DeltaTime is the Ultimate Desk Top Calendar. What you get
is a two month calendar rendered in full 3D color (or B/W) plus lots and
lots of buttons. DeltaTime is actually a fully
functional date differential calculator. How many days have you been
alive...easy to find out. What day of the week will 90 days from today fall
on...child's play. Basically if you need to know how many days, weeks,
months or years fall between two dates DeltaTime will quickly find it for
you. DeltaTime accurately covers from Jan 1, 1583 to December 2040, read
the docs to find out why those dates were chosen.
Name = PostCalc1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:PostCalc1.0
Size: 24K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 1.0
PostCalc1.0 - If you have found normal in-fix calculations cumbersome and
you wish that a post-fix calculator existed for the Mac, Post Calc is for
Name = BusDir3.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BusDir3.02
Size: 26K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 3.02
BusDir3.02 - This is a FileMaker Pro Template for a business directory,
it's features include a highly graphical interface with the ability to
automatically copy and paste into other programs etc.
Name = AllDay2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:AllDay2.1
Size: 13K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 2.1
AllDay2.1 - AllDay is a tiny program styled after the well known Macintosh
Desk Accessories. It´s only duty is to build a yearly calendar within a
separate window. Once displayed, it is possible to thumb backward or
forward through the years or to jump to a certain year via a separate
dialog. AllDay works without any pre-programmed calendar tables. It builds
the chosen yearly overview at the time of clicking the mouse button and
"forgets" the current one upon switching to another year.
Name = Yearly Calendar
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Yearly Calendar
Size: 11K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Yearly Calendar - This template will print a full yearly calendar on a
normal 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper. It can print any year after Excel's base
year of 1904. I find it useful pinned on the wall by my desk to easily
check out a date which is a month or two in the future without having to
flip calendar pages. It is "soft protected" and can be unprotected without
a password if you wish to change fonts, etc.
Name = Phonebook Plus STF101
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Phonebook Plus STF101
Size: 21K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 1.0.1
Phonebook Plus STF101 - Adds a button to the FaxPrint dialog to allow
global setup of an outside-line dialing prefix, long-distance prefix and
local area code for users of STF Fax software.
Name = Contact Management
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Contact Management
Size: 32K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Contact Management -This is FileMaker Pro contact database. This version
can be used for all types of companies. You should have no problem moving
around in this database. To get any place just press on any of the names
and you will be transfer to a different screen. I have left everything
unlocked so you can change what you want. This database comes from my own
database that I use every day. Since I'm on the phone from 8:30am to
5:00pm. I have found this a very useful tool.
Name = Congressional Phone List
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Congressional Phone List
Size: 15K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Congressional Phone List - archive which contains a list of all of your
congressmen's phone and FAX numbers. Now that FAX modems are becoming
increasingly common you can just zip your thoughts on the hot topic of the
moment to your representative or senator when you see fit. I am not the
compiler of this list. The author's name and e-mail address appear at the
end of this list.
Name = CALmate 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:CALmate 1.0.2
Size: 91K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 1.0.2
CALmate 1.0.2 - gives you the ability to quickly and easily generate a
monthly calendar.
Name = AutoAddress3.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:AutoAddress3.2
Size:734K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 3.2
AutoAddress3.2 - this is a fully functional multiuser contact program with
reports and letter capability in a stand alone runtime Foxbase program.
Name = Address Notebook
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Address Notebook
Size: 16K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Address Notebook - Address Notebook is a small address and phone notebook.
Here are some of the features it supports Quick search as you type the name
Standard Address, Phone and Memo field, Three customizable fields,
Autodialing through speaker or modem, Clean, easy to use interface!
Name = Address Notebook
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Address Notebook
Size: 16K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Address Notebook - Address Notebook is a small address and phone notebook.
Here are some of the features it supports Quick search as you type the name
Standard Address, Phone and Memo field, Three customizable fields,
Autodialing through speaker or modem, Clean, easy to use interface!
Name = Timer1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Timer1.0
Size:142K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Timer1.0 - Thanks for giving our utility Timer a try. We think you will
like it for simple timing tasks. Timer works in two modes, Elapsed and
Countdown. The mode is controlled by the two radio buttons of the same
name. Operation in these two modes is described in the following inside.
Name = On Track4.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:On Track4.0
Size:183K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 4.0
On Track4.0 - ON TRACK is an application designed to help you keep your
home or small business finances in good order. More than that, the
application is oriented to give you the maximum information about your
financial situation and so that the information for good decision making is
always at hand. ON TRACK is a series of ledger sheets and budget sheets
with attendant summary tables and charts. Although the application is
entirely menu and dialog box driven, you always have a convenient path to
EXCEL™ for further customization if desired.
Name = LogOut 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:LogOut 2.1
Size: 27K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 2.1
LogOut 2.1 - If you are looking for a simple and reliable way of keeping
track of usage time on your computer, then this software is for you! LogOut
tracks usage time on your computer for billing clients, tax purposes,
system utilization, etc. LogOut is particularly useful in an environment
where a single computer is used by more than one person. LogOut has many
unique features not found on any other software of its kind. For example,
it has the ability of knowing when you have stopped using the computer.
LogOut is also fully customizable so you can tailor it to your individual
Name = HomeInventoryFM2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:HomeInventoryFM2
Size: 79K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
HomeInventoryFM2 - this is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 file that makes keeping
track of your earthly possessions easy.
Name = BURNIT 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BURNIT 1.0
Size: 32K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 1.0
BURNIT 1.0 - No data security system would be complete without a way to
destroy the original versions of a file after they are encrypted. Burn-It
provides exactly that function. It is a drag-and-drop application under
system 7. Files dragged onto the icon will first be overwritten with zeros,
then renamed, then deleted. Both data and resource forks are deleted. Pre
System 7 users can also access Burn-Its capabilities, just not quite so
conveniently from the menus.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Education:A:AREA PROPERTIES2.20
Size: 83K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 2.2
AREA PROPERTIES2.2 - Finds area (cross and surface), perimeter, volume,
centroids and moment of inertia of any object saved in a PAINT or PICT doc.
Objects can be imported via the clipboard. Uses are for education,
engineering and general graphic.
Name = MacLoan II 1.3s
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacLoan II 1.3s
Size: 53K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 1.3s
MacLoan II 1.3s- Version 1.3s is an update to earlier versions. It fixes a
printing bug. MacLoan II is a loan amortization program which will compute
the monthly payment amount of a loan (given the principal, interest rate,
and term of the loan) and then print a loan amortization schedule on the
screen or to your laser or dot matrix printer. MacLoan II is System 7
compatible. I am a C.P.A. and wrote this program for use in my accounting
practice. I have found it to be useful in my business and have decided to
make it available to others via the Shareware concept of program
Name = Mac a £oan 3.0d
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mac a £oan 3.0d
Size: 51K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 3.0d
Mac a £oan 3.0d - This will calculate but printing and copying are
disabled. $9 shareware fee as is, $20 for a full working version.
Mac a Loan (ISPN 13278-500), Registered signature "PALM", is a simple and
straight forward loan application that provides interest paid, monthly
payments, total payments, and amortization. This financial utility is in
its 6th year of popularity. Easy to useand exclusively offered from Coconut
Info, this valuable stand alone program works on all Macs and with Systems
4.8 through 7.1. This is the latest version, 3.0, released April 1993.
Name = Injury & Illness Prevention
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Injury & Illness Prevention
Size: 20K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Injury & Illness Prevention - This is an Illness & Injury Prevention Guide,
SB 198 manual. It was originally done in ClarisWorks, but can be easily
translated into a variety of formats. If you are required by the state to
have one of these programs for your company, this file will save you
countless hours and frustration.
Name = Icon Clock 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Icon Clock 1.3
Size: 16K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 1.3
Icon Clock 1.3 - This is version 1.3 of a "hobby" project that I am using
to improve my knowledge of C and the Macintosh. Icon Clock is another
clock application that shows you the time and the date in a neat LCD/LED
appearance -- similar to those old Radio Shack clocks that everybody
(almost everybody?) has. Just a note about 1.2 -- this was the first
release where I requested a small shareware "fee" to be sent to
me...version 1.3 is the second!
Name = Comtrade
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Comtrade
Size: 29K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Comtrade - Shareware, unless fee is sent to author, the scripting portion
of template will be disabled after 6 weeks. Commodity futures trade
tracking template. Tracks and analyzes up to 15 open orders,25 current
positions and unlimited closed trades .This template is hyperscript driven
and is completely automated with buttons and menu selections.
Name = PerformAppraisal Forms
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:PerformAppraisal Forms
Size: 40K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
PerformAppraisal Forms - contains a ReadMe file and 3 forms: Activity
Report, Performance Appraisal, and Managerial Performance Appraisal
Professionally developed and handsomely designed forms for human resources
performance appraisal and feedback systems. Includes (1) periodic Activity
Report, (2) Performance Appraisal, and (3) Managerial Performance
Appraisal. Space provided for user to cut-and-paste own logo. The only
fonts required are Times and Helvetica, plus BillsDingbats (available on
AOL) or one of a number of other dingbat fonts, including ZapfDingbats. The
ReadMe file explains which fonts are suitable and how to substitute for
Name = Address Book Manager
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Address Book Manager
Size: 14K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Address Book Manager - This Filemaker template manages addresses and phone
numbers. You can view the data in a full or list view, and print in a list,
card, label or envelope format. I formatted the data entry screen for a 13"
monitor. The template uses buttons and scripts to jump to the different
Name = MacPGP 2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacPGP 2.2
Size:226K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 2.2
MacPGP 2.2 - PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is Phil Zimmerman's implementation
of RSA like public key encryption. This powerful cryptographic method means
that you can post your public key anywhere and people can encrypt messages
to you. Only you can decrypt them with your secret key. This program can
provide military grade encryption.
Name = FoxTools XCMD/XFCN's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FoxTools XCMD/XFCN's
Size:160K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
FoxTools XCMD/XFCN's - FoxTools 1.5 is a set of 36 XCMD/XFCN's which may be
useful for the FoxBASE+/Mac 2.x programmer. They were compiled by Randy
Brown for a Fox Developer's Conference a couple of years ago. My one
addition to the archive is a report form that can be used to print out a
list of the XCMD/XFCN's.
Name = 1992EEBonds
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:1992EEBonds
Size: 17K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
1992EEBonds - This spreadsheet calculates interest earned on U. S. Savings
Bonds for 1992. Handy this tax season. Includes documents to explain how to
use the file.
Name = World Time 1.5.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:World Time 1.5.1
Size: 29K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.5.1
World Time 1.5.1 - WorldTime does three things. It tells you what time it
is in other cities, taking into account Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time.
It automatically resets your computer's clock at the beginning and end of
Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time. It allows you to change the location of
your computer as it is stored in your computer's memory and reset the clock
appropriately. Your Macintosh has what is usually called "Parameter RAM" or
"PRAM." This RAM is battery-powered so that, even if the computer is
unplugged, the information stored in it will not be lost. Various Control
Panel settings are stored in the PRAM.
Name = VCR+(app+src)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:VCR+(app+src)
Size: 36K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
VCR+app+src - Here it is, complete with source code, a Mac-friendly version
of the VCR+ encoder and decoder. See upload titled "VCR+ Encode/Decode (app
only)" for this same application, but without its source code. Application
calculates the VCR+ code based on time, date and network info. It will also
calculate the time, date and network info from the VCR+ code.
Name = TONTO
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TONTO
Size: 25K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
TONTO - Tonto provides a way to hide applications from the casual user.
You configure copy of Tonto for each application you wish to hide and then
you make the application invisible (using ResEdit, for example). Tonto
itself remains visible, with the application's icon. You rename each copy
of Tonto to match its original application's name. If the original
application is in the same folder as Tonto, you will need to change Tonto's
name slightly. For example if the application were "Microsoft Word", you
might rename Tonto to "Microsoft Word 4.0".
Name = QM Biff 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:QM Biff 1.0
Size: 12K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.0
QM Biff 1.0 - Do flashing icons get on your nerves? Do you ever envy your
UNIX brethren with their fancy mailbox icons? As a long-time user of
QuickMail, I finally decided that I wanted to have a better way to see if I
have mail; hence QM Biff was born. QM Biff consists of two parts, an
extension (yeah, one more INIT to install!) and a miniature application.
The INIT knows whether QuickMail thinks you have mail or not, but keeps the
icon from flashing. Instead, the application indicates whether you have
mail by displaying one of two pictures (which you can select).
Name = Media Labeler1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Media Labeler1.0
Size:153K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.0
Media Labeler1.0 - This is a Filemaker Pro 2.0 database that will catalog
and print labels for cassettes, VHS tapes, and 3.5" floppy disks.
Name = MacSurvey2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacSurvey2.1
Size:168K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2.1
MacSurvey2.1 - MacSurvey 2.1 is a simple to use, time-saving input and
analysis software tool designed for use with opinion surveys that have no
more than 150 closed-end types of questions. All questions can have up to
10 response choices. Generates qustionnaire form and crosstab analysis
Name = Little Black Book
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Little Black Book
Size: 61K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.5.1
Little Black Book - Upgrade from Little Black Book 1.5.1. New features
included are import capabilities, password protection, multiple data files,
local area code deletion for dialing, ability to change date and time
formats, improved exporting. To receive the 7.x version you must register
the program. The only difference between the two versions is that the 7.x
version has an icon instead of the standard generic icon.
Size: 46K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
INVESTMENT TRACKER - "Investment Tracker" is a HyperCard 2.1 Stack that can
be used to track investments in stocks, mutual funds, or anything else that
issues shares fowhich a price quote is available. The information for each
investment is stored on a single card of the stack which contains the
buttons for enterindata and calculating various interesting things about
the investment. It is particularly valuable for tracking investments in
which you are making periodic investments (Dollar Cost Averaging, Dividend
Reinvestment Plans) or withdraws.
Name = Hyper•ContractMaker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Hyper•ContractMaker
Size: 16K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Hyper•ContractMaker - This database allows you to put together a contract
on the fly with customizable sections. Most contracts are not the same; one
may include one section for one client and another for a different client.
Hyper•ContractMaker is also perfect for any dynamic documents.
Name = MedicalDatabaseForMac
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MedicalDatabaseForMac
Size:109K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
MedicalDatabaseForMac - this is a medical database in Claris Works for
those with scientific interests.
Name = MacLoan Worksheet
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacLoan Worksheet
Size: 20K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
MacLoan Worksheet - this is the worksheet for MacLoan.
Name = InfoBase 1.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:InfoBase 1.1.1
Size: 12K Date: 2/16/93 Version: 1.1.1
InfoBase 1.1.1 - This is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 database. You need to have
that program to use it. FileMaker Pro 2.0 is MUCH better than previous
versions, so if you don't have it you should check it out InfoBase is
designed for storing the varied information that you are now keeping on
sticky notes around your desk, mirror, toaster or whatever. It's great for
keeping tidbits like your wife's aunt's second husband's name or where to
get great pizza in Ottowa. Try typing in everything on your bulletin board
and you'll get the idea. It won't make a very good address book or
calendar, but you are welcome to find that out on your own if you must.
Size: 7K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMNT - this is an agreement for those that need a
confidential contract.
Name = A Sort of a Kind
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:A Sort of a Kind
Size: 12K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
A Sort of a Kind - A Sort of a Kind will sort arbitrarily large text
files. File size is limited only to allocated RAM, with the reliable factor
being file-size + 128K. If you get a message that your file is too
large, increase aSoaK's memory allocation. 1. Get Info on the file. Note
its size in kilobytes. 2. Add 128K to the size of the file. 3. Get Info on
aSoaK and change the figure in the Current Size box in the lower right-hand
corner to the value you came up with in step 2.
Name = OUCH!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:OUCH!
Size: 12K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
OUCH! - Simple little application will figure your tax based on input of
filing status, exemtions, AGI, itemized deductions and net long term gains.
Requires a minimum of Sys 6.0.5.
Name = Labels II™ 1.0d5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Labels II™ 1.0d5
Size: 10K Date: 2/05/93 Version: 1.0d5
Labels II™ 1.0d5 - Labels II(tm) extends the use of the 'Labels' Control
Panel by offering a set of labels unique to every folder on your hard disk.
Instead of deciding what 7 label names best describe the contents of your
hard disks, Labels II allows a set of labels to be defined for every folder
on a hard disk using the standard Labels Control Panel. So now you define
labels for use when viewing your accounting folder and have a different set
of labels for viewing your applications folder and a different set for your
development folder. Another good reason for using Labels II is that folder
labels transfer to other disks when that folder is copied.
Name = INFOMaker2.62
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:INFOMaker2.62
Size: 82K Date: 1/28/93 Version: 2.6.2
INFOMaker2.62 - INFOMaker is an easy to use utility application which will
format data to be used in the Macintosh. The data to be formatted can be
from other computer systems (PCs, mainframes, etc.) or from other
Macintoshx applications. The program has been used extensively to convert
database information from VAX, UNIVAC, IBM, and CRAY mainframe computers
and a multitude of different micro computers. The ability of INFOMaker to
handle a wide variety of input file formats including multi-line records
makes it a versatile tool to users who manage information on the Macintosh.
Name = 1099s-MISC1993
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:1099s-MISC1993
Size: 11K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
1099s-MISC1993 - This program is for miscellaneous 1992 income reporting
purposes to the IRS using standard 1993 government forms printed by the
U.S. Government Printing Office and provided free of cost to taxpayers. It
requires a LaserWriter II* and HyperCard* 2.1 (or greater) and a Macintosh*
computer. All are registered tradenames of Apple Computer. Endorsement by
Apple Computer or the U.S. Government is not implied. Works great whether
doing 10 or 100. Registration Fee requested. Registered Owers -- also 1099
INT, W3s, 1096. Perfected over the past two years.
Name = PROPOS20
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:PROPOS20
Size: 70K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 2.0
PROPOSE It 2.0 - Close that sale, win that bid, get that pet project
approved. A well-written proposal can make the difference between success
and failure. Professionally prepared proposal templates make it easy for
you to create your own winning proposal.
Name = MAIL List
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MAIL List
Size: 64K Date: 1/01/93 Version: 2.0
MAIL List 2.0 - Mailing List 2.0 is hot off the presses! This FileMaker Pro
template has been enhanced and redesigned to store names, addresses, phone
numbers, birthdays, and anything else you can think off. Great for keeping
track of friends, loved ones, family and business associates. You can
construct lists and mailing labels for "sets" using your own criteria.
Fully functional Shareware. Fee allows you to change or redesign the
Name = FM Pro Contacts+1.41
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FM Pro Contacts+1.41
Size: 73K Date: 1/01/93 Version: 1.41
FM Pro Contacts+1.41 - CONTACTS+ is a well done Filemaker Pro database
(version 1.x, readily converts to v2). It s main purpose is to allow proper
address details to appear in Microsoft Word print-merge documents.
CONTACTS+ is also just as powerful and usable as any other commercial
Contacts database & manager products.. Docu+ is a document manager, used in
conjunction with Contacts+. You can create and store 1 page documents in
Name = ComputerCoPhoneNo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:ComputerCoPhoneNo
Size: 10K Date: 1/01/93 Version:
ComputerCoPhoneNo - This is a tab-delimited text file of both technical
support and customer service phone numbers of over 450 computer hardware
and software companies. Very handy reference! PostCardWare.
Name = Password Key 1.5s
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Password Key 1.5s
Size:135K Date:12/29/92 Version: 1.5s
Password Key 1.5s - Password Key was written to help you keep "roaming
eyes" from accessing your Macintosh computer. If used properly, it should
be very effective in keeping others from wandering about your hard drive.
Name = MaintenanceRecords
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MaintenanceRecords
Size: 93K Date:12/28/92 Version:
MaintenanceRecords - This stack is designed to provide you with a record of
the vehicles in your fleet and the service or maintenance performed on
each. I know that owning a fleet of vehicles means there are a lot of
records that must be kept. This stack can help you to accurately keep
track of records with ease while cutting down on filing. It also can
provide you with a print out of the maintenance record of any or all
vehicles in your fleet. By Gary Hoffman.
Name = Zorba 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Zorba 1.0.2
Size: 29K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.0.2
Zorba 1.0.2 - Zorba is a (free) quick and dirty security program which I
wrote for use on our Mac network at work. It's meant to hinder unauthorized
users from using a Mac, by demanding a password. If a correct password
isn't entered after 3 attempts, the program will shut-down the Mac.
Version 1.0.2 prevents forced quits under System 7, logs shutdown button
click, & adds optional password masking.
Name = Harvard or Yale?
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Harvard or Yale?
Size:103K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Harvard or Yale? - HARVARD OR YALE? is a shareware college cost forecasting
tool. It contains cost information on over 650 Colleges and Universities.
The costs are used to forecast college savings for a broad range of user
situations. The program is completely menu and dialog box driven and the
user does not need to know Excel to make use of HARVARD OR YALE? The cost
information in this file is for the 199-92 school year and will serve as a
demo of the capabilities of the application. To get the current version of
the program the user will need to register and pay a $19.95 fee. A file
with complete documentation is included.
Name = DTB 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DTB 2.0
Size:511K Date:12/23/92 Version: 2.0
DTB 2.0 - Ivoicing, Receivables, Payables, Purchasing, Inventory, Customer
tracking Employee data. Complete package. 9" and 3D 13" as well as
ImageWriter and LaserWriter layouts. Password Protected tillpurchase which
can be done via 800 number. Requires FileMaker Pro 2.0
Name = Any Calls 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:Any Calls 1.1
Size: 10K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.1
Any Calls 1.1 - Ever wonder how many calls you get while you're at work?
Any Calls? 1.1 is an application which logs each call you get with the time
and date. Version 1.1 fixes a bug which prevented Any Calls? from working
correctly in the background or with a screensaver running.
Name = crypto1.2.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:crypto1.2.3
Size: 41K Date:11/13/92 Version: 1.2.3
Crypto1.2.3 - Crypto 1.2.3 is an encryption/decryption program for TEXT
files only. It uses Hill matrix ciphers for encryption. It is not as secure
as other methods - I'm waiting for someone to convert PGP from MS-DOS to
Macintosh myself (PGP 2.0 is available in the PC forums - it uses military
grade RSA public key encryption)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:WKSWCH
Size: 6K Date:11/06/92 Version:
WKSWCH - This is a System 7 only tool to assist in mass converting
Microsoft Works 2.0 word processor documents to ClarisWorks format. Free.
Name = Mac2Wiz
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mac2Wiz
Size: 15K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Mac2Wiz - This stack has 3 XFCNS for converting Macintosh text strings to
their Sharp Wizard equivalents. Two of the XFCNs were inspired by Danny
Goodman's book "The Complete HyperCard 2.0 Handbook." On page 773 of the
book, a HyperTalk script is presented that converts Apple Macintosh ascii
text to Sharp Wizard ascii text. The script is 100% hyperTalk. Danny
Goodman converts it to an XFCN using CompileIt! from Heizer Software.
However, the resulting XFCN was still too slow, so he used the HyperBASIC
language (from Teknosys) to make an XFCN that does the same thing and the
BASIC XFCN was much much faster.
Name = Detective
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Detective
Size: 32K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Detective - This applications tracks what programs and DAs have been run on
your Mac.
Name = BKKP 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BKKP 3.0
Size: 46K Date:10/31/92 Version: 3.0
BKKP 3.0 - A complete bookkeeping system for EXCEL users. Contains the
following EXCEL templates. Balance Sheet, (EXCEL); Profit or Loss
Statement, (EXCEL); Sales Journal, (EXCEL); * Check Journal *, (EXCEL); *
General Journal *, (EXCEL); Balance Prep Sheet, (EXCEL); Bank
Reconcilation, (EXCEL); Chart Of Accounts, (EXCEL); Instructions, (EXCEL);
Ledger1, (EXCEL); MACROS, (EXCEL).
Name = MacAmortize1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacAmortize1.2
Size: 82K Date:10/31/92 Version: 1.2
MacAmortize1.2 - MacAmortize is an amortization program for the Macintosh
computer. It creates monthly and yearly payment schedules accoring to data
you enter. Schedules can be printed from MacAmortize and can also be saved
to disk as normal text files which can be opened and edited with any word
Name = BnkStmtRecon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BnkStmtRecon
Size: 4K Date:10/31/92 Version:
BnkStmtRecon - Template to calculate all the math in reconciling bank
statement and check book balances. Intuitive, quick and easy.
Name = Kapu! 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Kapu! 1.1
Size: 34K Date:10/27/92 Version: 1.1
Kapu! 1.1 - Kapu is a brand new password protection application for
business or home use. Prevents intrusion to your hard disk at start-up and
any time you leave your Mac unattended. Guard against keiki fingers or the
pirate. Ability to change your password at any time. Simple and bullet
proof. Complete documentation is included. Read the documentation first and
please register.
Name = TL1092.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TL1092.TXT
Size: 11K Date:10/26/92 Version:
TL1092.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now contains
the names,addresses, phone numbers, and principal officers of over 1OO US
publicly held companies in the telecommunications industry. This is a
shareware product updated and distributed monthly by Demand Research
Corporation, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 6O611. Telephone, (312)
Name = MKT1092.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MKT1092.TXT
Size: 63K Date:10/26/92 Version:
MKT1092.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now
contains the names of over 8OO corporate officers in US public companies
who are responsible for marketing and sales. Included is the full name and
exact title of each officer, plus company name, address, telephone, and
industry. This is a shareware product updated and distributed monthly by
Demand Research Corporation, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 6O611. Tel,
(312) 664-65OO.
Name = MFG1092.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MFG1092.TXT
Size: 18K Date:10/26/92 Version:
MFG1092.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now
contains the names of over 200 corporate officers in US public companies
who are responsible for manufacturing and production. Included is the full
name and exact title of each officer, plus company name, address,
telephone, and industry. This is a shareware product updated and
distributed monthly by Demand Research Corporation, 625 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, IL 6O611. Tel, (312) 664-65OO.
Name = MacEncrypt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MacEncrypt
Size: 36K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.0.1
MacEncrypt - MacEncrypt is an application that uses the Data
Encryption Standard (DES) to scramble the bits of your files until they
are totally unrecognizable. MacEncrypt is intuitive and convenient. You
can encrypt files from within the application using standard file dialog
boxes or use the "drag and drop" technique to encrypt one or many files
automatically. You can decrypt a file from within the application or by
simply double-clicking on an encrypted file.
Name = HR1092.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:HR1092.TXT
Size: 66K Date:10/26/92 Version:
HR1092.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now contains
the names of over 900 corporate officers in US public companies who are
responsible for human resources and personnel. Included is the full name
and exact title of each officer, plus company name, address, telephone,
and industry. This is a shareware product updated and distributed monthly
by Demand Research Corporation, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 6O611.
Tel, (312) 664-65OO.
Name = FAX1092.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FAX1092.TXT
Size: 33K Date:10/26/92 Version:
FAX1092.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now
contains current fax numbers for over 1,1OO US public corporations and
financial institutions that trade on the NYSE, the AMEX, or NASDAQ. This is
a shareware product updated and distributed monthly by Demand Research
Corporation, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 6O611. Telephone, (312)
Name = Loan Tracker 1.1©
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Loan Tracker 1.1©
Size:165K Date:10/14/92 Version: 1.1
Loan Tracker 1.1 - Loan Tracker is an Excel (3.0) worksheet to create a
loan amortization schedule, calculate the total pay off, pay off date,
interest portion of the payments and track all additional payments that
you apply toward the principle, calculate the interest savings, the new
pay-off date, and the number of months the loan will be paid off early.
Works with monthly and bimonthly payments. Shareware - $5.00.
Name = AutoTrade
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:AutoTrade
Size: 32K Date:10/14/92 Version: 1.0
AutoTrade 1.0 - is a new Macintosh investment program that can manage an
entire portfolio. It issues specific buy and sell orders with precise
dollar amounts based on your individual portfolio. It can be used to both
help you time your own trades or as a complete portfolio manager.
Name = Wingz Utilities
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:Wingz Utilities
Size: 7K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Wingz Utilities - The files that go with this document are designed to help
with some of the areas that I have found to be lacking in Wingz
Name = Resolve Utilities
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:R:Resolve Utilities
Size: 7K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Resolve Utilities - The files that go with this document are designed to
help with some of the areas that I have found to be lacking in Wingz
and Resolve.
Name = BPMCalcV2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BPMCalcV2.2
Size: 28K Date:10/09/92 Version: 2.2
BPMCalcV2.2 - BPMCalc is very easy to use. The help available from the
apple menu should be all you need to use it (Balloon help is also
supported). You should be aware that BPMCalc works best under System 7.
System 7 includes a time manager which is highly accurate, and BPMCalc
needs this time manager to calculate BPM using the "Tap Tempo" method. If
you are running an earlier system, you will need a stop watch in order to
calculate BPM. When you run the application, you will be notified if the
time manager BPMCalc needs is unavailable. If you get no warning, BPMCalc
has everything it needs to do the extended BPM calculations.
Name = HowManyDays v1.2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:HowManyDays v1.2.2
Size:128K Date:10/02/92 Version: 1.2.2
HowManyDays v1.2.2 - How Many Days…? does one thing, and one thing only:
it calculates the number of days between any two dates from the year 1 up
to and including the year 4000. Or, given a date and a number of days to or
from the given date.
Name = OrbiTrack-2.1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:OrbiTrack-2.1.4
Size:454K Date: 9/24/92 Version: 2.1.4
OrbiTrack-2.1.4 - OrbiTrack is an artificial satellite tracking program for
the Macintosh. It wilcalculate look angles to selected satellites, plot
current satellite positions on a world map and display the visible passage
of a satellite against background stars (either within the program itself
or via a data file that can be read into the Voyager program). Some
knowledge of satellite orbits is required to make good use of the program.
Name = LDCat3.5d
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:LDCat3.5d
Size:354K Date: 9/19/92 Version: 3.5d
LDCat3.5d - This is version 3.5d of the Laser Disc Catalog, THE Laser Disc
database. Part 2 of 3 of the new CD/LD Catalog set, this DEMO version
limits the number of database entries. The Catalog set now supports compact
discs, laser video discs and both audio and video labels for printing. You
must download 'Tape Labels' version 3.5d to use the build tape label
function, however, the 'CD Catalog' is not necessary for the Laser Disc
Catalog to function.
Name = W-4 Template1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:W-4 Template1.5
Size: 18K Date: 9/19/92 Version: 1.5
W-4 Template1.5 - Changes in the tax law for 1992 may affect your tax for
the year. If these changes increase your tax and you do not increase your
withholding, you may have to pay a large tax balance when you file your
return on April 15, 1993. This tax template will help you determine whether
you will have enough withheld from your paycheck to cover your total 1992
taxes. The template calculates the federal tax using the tax rate tables.
It also prints form W-4 which may be submitted to your employer to request
that he withhold an additional amount from each remaining paycheck, should
it be necessary. Do some planning now! Don't be surprised in April!
Name = TRE0992.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TRE0992.TXT
Size: 40K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
TRE0992.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now contains
the names of over 5OO corporate treasurers in US public companies that
trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Included is the full name and exact
title of each executive, together with company name, address, telephone
number, and industry. This is a shareware product updated and distributed
monthly by Demand Research Corporation, 625 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
IL 6O611. Tel: (312) 664-65OO.
Name = MIS0992.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:MIS0992.TXT
Size: 39K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
MIS0992.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now contains
the names of over 500 corporate officers in US public companies who are
responsible for MIS (Management Information Systems). Included is the full
name and exact title of each officer, together with company name, address,
telephone number, and industry. This is a shareware product updated
and distributed monthly by Demand Research Corporation, 625 North Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. Tel: (312) 664-6500.
Name = CON0992.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:CON0992.TXT
Size: 46K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
CON0992.TXT - This is a continuously updated directory that now contains
the names of over 5OO corporate controllers in US public companies that
trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Included is the full name and exact
title of each executive, together with company name, address, telephone
number, and industry. This is a shareware product updated and distributed
monthly by Demand Research Corporation, 625 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
IL 6O611. Tel: (312) 664-65OO.
Name = Financial Plan
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:Financial Plan
Size: 45K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Financial Plan - This is a worksheet that allows you to evaluate your
retirement plan by changing a bunch of different variables. It was
developed as a serious tool to help you make decisions for the future. I
hope you enjoy it. If you feel that I've missed something, I would
appreciate any comments on how I might be able to improve it.
Name = Burbank v.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Burbank v.1.1
Size: 32K Date: 8/22/92 Version: 1.1
Burbank v.1.1 - Burbank is a contribution of the Macintosh Consultants
Network. It is an application that displays 4 clocks on screen that
represent 4 different time zones. Great for PowerBooks, pilots, and
travelers. Read Me file enclosed.
Name = Science Teachers Lab
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:S:Science Teachers Lab
Size:174K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Science Teachers Lab - contains 208 quickie demos for science classes from
School House Mac.
Name = hypercard_invoice
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:hypercard_invoice
Size: 29K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
hypercard_invoice - invoice application in hypercard which searches
customer and rate/cost files.
Name = DRILL
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DRILL
Size: 43K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
DRILL - This Mac shareware program is a companion to Gradebook Plus and
Grade Machine.It will read your class rosters out of your gradebook files.
It randomly displays the kids' names in large font on the screen so all
can read them. It is useful for calling on kids for drills, cooperative
groups, lab partner selection and anything else that requires impartial
student selection. Questions may be added for calling. Much Fun! $10.
Name = Contract Seminar
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:Contract Seminar
Size: 17K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
Contract Seminar - A seminar presentation on "Contract Negotiating."
Ostensibly for Healthcare institutions or Physicians buying Practice
Management software, but generally good concepts for any industry.
Name = US Debt5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:US Debt5
Size: 54K Date: 6/22/92 Version: 5
US Debt5 - Drop this in your Apple Menu Items in System 7 (or use as an app
in System 6.0x) and you have: current US national debt, your share of the
debt, current US population, current world population. Configurable so
that you can have it show only the information you want to show. Free.
Name = IPS Mail-E.92-6-10
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:IPS Mail-E.92-6-10
Size:158K Date: 6/09/92 Version:
IPS Mail-E - This is very a simple mail program. If your Macs are AppleTalk
networked, you should try once. If you have any questions, please call Kaz
at 415-349-2898.
Name = 102nd Senate(FMPro)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:102nd Senate(FMPro)
Size: 19K Date: 6/09/92 Version:
102nd Senate (FMPro) - Information on the 102nd Senate in Filemaker Pro
Name = Mortgage Qualifier V1.50
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mortgage Qualifier V1.50
Size: 5K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.50
Mortgage Qualifier V1.50 - this is an Excel mortgage Qualifing Template for
your Macintosh.
Name = Date & Time 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Date & Time 1.0
Size: 5K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.0
Date & Time 1.0 - Control Panel (cdev) to set formats for short and long
dates and time (24 Hour or 12 Hour). Makes use of new System 7 Script
Manager but is not System 7 dependent.
Name = College Applications 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:College Applications 1.1
Size: 7K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.1
College Applications 1.1 - is a way to check out all those college
applications on the Mac.
Name = clocks
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:clocks
Size:320K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Clocks is a collection of clocks for your Macintosh.
Name = Qship
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Qship
Size:210K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
Qship - QuickLook is a Calculator with all world wide shipping point for
UPS Including the new Ground Trac system for BarCodeing. The current UPS
charges are included along with the JUNE 1992 Changes. Shareware but totaly
function If you find that you can use this utility please support the
Name = Mutual Fund Portfolio
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:M:Mutual Fund Portfolio
Size: 23K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
Mutual Fund Portfolio - I created this Filemaker Pro database to keep track
of Mutual Fund investments. This database will track your investments in
up to 10 funds. Since I'm not a spead sheet expert, I didn't tackle this in
Excel, although it probably is better suited for a spreadsheet. If anyone
has something similar in Excel format, I'd like a copy!
Name = Home Sweet Home 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:H-L:Home Sweet Home 1.0
Size: 79K Date: 5/08/92 Version: 1.0
Home Sweet Home 1.0 - Welcome to Home Sweet Home for Filemaker Pro! If you
are wondering if you can afford that house you’ve been looking at, you’ll
love Home Sweet Home. I decided to develop it after trying to figure out
all of the various formulas involved in buying a home at different interest
rates, purchase prices, down payments, monthly fees, etc. The financial
ratios in Home Sweet Home are the ones that are generally used, and will
give you a general idea of the kinds of income/expense ratios that lending
institutions are looking for when you apply. Even if you don’t qualify,
some lenders (FHA, VA, etc.) are more lenient in their qualifications than
Name = FORM IT!(1.65)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FORM IT!(1.65)
Size:111K Date: 4/25/92 Version: 1.65
FORM IT! 1.65 - This is a re-release of Form It! (if you are already a
registered user there is no need to download this file), a full featured,
complete software package designed to handle the tasks of managing any kind
of form and its data. Some of its features are; Customizable Rulers,
multiple field and PICT selection, A true Grid, grid lines, Alignment
commands, PICTs (up to 10 per form) can be moved and resized, Font & Style
menus, individual field choice list and help, custom ImageWriter page
sizes, definable duplicate, and LOTS MORE!!!
Name = Bookeeping
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Bookeeping
Size: 20K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
Bookeeping - Welcome to easy bookeeping with Excel 3.0. I designed this
system for use with my bike shop, but with a few modifications it should be
applicable to almost any small business. It is loosely based on the IDEAL™
Bookeeping and records system, one of the most popular paper based systems
on the market for small businesses. Provides receipts, sales, balance sheet
and more.
Name = Diskette label template
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Diskette label template
Size: 16K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
Diskette label template - This is 4 field template formatted to print Avery
laser labels for diskettes. Each field is bordered & held to a constant
size by Word's cell formatting function. Field 1: DATE & TIME printed on
back of label. Field 2: DISK TITLE printed along top bar. Field 3: TITLE
prited on top front of label. Field 4: CONTENTS of disk (can paste
graphics here). Each label shows page#, row# as on-screen hidden text.
This is handy if you will use this template to save an ongoing database of
your disks.
Name = DayCalc1.11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:DayCalc1.11
Size: 42K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.11
DayCalc1.11 - DayCalc displays a 5-week calendar. You enter a "base date",
and an "offset" number of days. DayCalc then calculates what the resulting
date would be. That's about it! I am placing DayCalc into the public
domain in case it can be of use to someone else. If it is, let me know!
The current version of DayCalc is rather limited in that since the holidays
are hard-coded into the program, it can only be used during 1991 and 1992.
If any people find this utility useful, I'll consider adding more features
and long-term support.
Name = BiPlane™ Shareware
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:BiPlane™ Shareware
Size:125K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 2.03
BiPlane™ Shareware - BiPlane 2.03 is a powerful shareware spreadsheet
program that can read files from Excel, MultiPlan, and Lotus 1-2-3 (SYLK
format), and contains graphing capabilities. If you can do without named
references or macros, BiPlane may be the spreadsheet program for you! When
you pay the $59 shareware fee, you get a 200 page manual and an On line
help file for BiPlane. This package also includes a sampler file that shows
what BiPlane can do.
Name = Banking
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:B:Banking
Size: 35K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
Banking - The Boston Accounts file was created by me, Roderick W. Smith,
from information I gathered in December of 1991 and January of 1992. I
have included the date I acquired information for each bank in the bank's
INFORMATION. I may have been given incorrect information, or entered
information incorrectly. Some accounts use particularly odd rules, and the
program can't handle these, though I have tried to put such rules into the
bank's "Comments" field for human consideration. Banks can and do change
the details of their accounts. Roderick W. Smith, 1/13/92.
Name = SmartKeys 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:S:SmartKeys 2.1
Size: 31K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 2.1
SmartKeys 2.1 - is a freeware control panel designed to assist Macintosh
typists by allowing them to type on the Macintosh. Specifically, it can
perform six different tasks divided up into individual smartkeys as
follows: Smartkey Function, Space-Prevents typing of more than one
space. Dash-Converts two consecutively typed hyphens into a dash. Quote
Converts typewriter quote marks into true quotation marks. Ligatures
Converts the character components of a ligature into one. Kill Doubled
Caps-Converts the second of two consecutively typed capitals into a
lowercase letter when the second capital is followed by a lower case
letter. Etc..
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FTF FILE UTILITY 2.1
Size: 28K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 2.1
FTF FILE UTILITY 2.1 - This version of the FTF File Utility works with
version 2.1 of First Things First. It is not compatible with earlier
Name = UpdateMaker 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:UpdateMaker 1.2
Size:120K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 1.2
UpdateMaker is a utility which creates update documents and updater
applications. Give it two files, and it will produce a document describing
the differences between them. Intended for updating an application, it can
also be used to, say, convert Font/DA Mover into the America Online
front-end (Lord only knows why you'd want to do that, though). If you don't
already have UpdateMaker, download this file, which contains the full
application plus the release notes. If you already have another version of
UpdateMaker, fetch the appropriate updater for you.
Name = TWR Personal Address Book
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:T-Z:TWR Personal Address Book
Size: 21K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
The TWR Personal Address Book is an easy-to-use, innovative FileMaker Pro
template designed particularly for small business users and people on the
move. It's also ideal for home use. While the TWR Personal Address Book is
ideally configured for Mac Portable and PowerBook (140 & 170) screens, none
of the layouts are password protected, so you should find it easy to
rearrange icons and fields as necessary to fit comfortably within the
confines of a standard MacPlus-size screen. You need a copy of FileMaker
Pro to run this template. The TWR Personal Address Book is brought to you
as freeware compliments of The Weigand Report-The Working Newsletter for
Macintosh Professionals.
Name = Pro Series 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Pro Series 3.0
Size:314K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
Pro Series 3.0 - This is a selection of FileMaker Pro templates. During
start up when the password dialog box appears on your screen, pressing the
return key will give you full access, minus those restriction listed above,
to the database application. Once you become a registered user and pay for
the application, all restrictions listed above as well as the removal of
the start up password dialog box will be forthcoming! See Pro Series Order
Name = Personal Organizer
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:N-Q:Personal Organizer
Size:128K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
The Claris Personal organizer is a FileMaker Pro template designed to help
you track your important names, addresses, phone numbers, and appointments.
It was written by a member of the Claris software quality assurance group
during the beta test of FileMaker Pro. This file is provided "as is." Also,
this file is configured for 1991 dates. To configure the file for 1992,
please search our online TechInfo Database using the search term
"organizer." This will give you complete instructions for updated the file
from year to year.
Name = FastLabel315
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:F-G:FastLabel315
Size:177K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 3.1.5
FastLabel 3.1.5 Prints any label of any size on any printer, Includes all
Avery templates, Full font, style and WYSIWYG layout support, Sorting,
Importing and rulers, Color support and more. This is a fully-functional
copy of the program, but after 10 days of use it will print "demo" on each
label. The world's handiest and easiest labeling program! Works with and
mac compatible printer; includes templates for all common label templates
including Avery pinfeed and sheet feed labels. System 6 or later plus any
Mac compatible printer. System 7 friendly. You can order FastLabel for
$10, this demo expires after 10 days. Happy labeling!
Name = COLLEGE Database 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:COLLEGE Database 1.1
Size: 19K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 1.1
This is a definitive database of the best colleges in the United States in
TouchBASE format. Information includes address; phone number; setting;
average SAT math and verbal scores at the school; most popular majors; and
designation as liberal arts or not. Over 70 schools are included from the
top 25 liberal arts and national universities and the 'best of the rest'
and those that my friends at The Hill School have been interested in.
Please read the enclosed information file! Shekar M. Krishnan - The Hill
Name = CheckLedger
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:C:CheckLedger
Size: 79K Date: 3/04/92 Version:
Neat and simple program which can be used by any small business person to
maintain sales, accounts receivable, check ledger and profit and loss
statement. Comments or complaints welcome. After all this is how we learn.
Name = APOD 2.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:A:APOD 2.0.2
Size: 26K Date: 3/04/92 Version: 2.02
APOD Requires Excel 1.5 or higher. The documents are protected so you don't
change any formulas by mistake. Before attempting to make any changes, make
an archive copy first. Use the working copy only! After you receive the
password to unprotect the documents, remove the shareware notice in the
worksheet, then I suggest you put the protection back. This template will
help you manage rental property. Instead of having to add all the monthly
rent together for each individual unit and multiplying by 12 to get the
'GROSS SCHEDULED RENTAL INCOME', provision was made at the right of the
worksheet for 25 units. This is good especially if the units have different
rents which is usually the case. Robert W. Volage
Name = Excel 3.0 Menus! 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Excel 3.0 Menus! 1.1
Size: 20K Date: 2/24/92 Version: 1.1
Excel 3.0 Menus! 1.1 - lets you change, add, or delete the command key
combinations in the menus of Excel 3.0! It’s beyond user friendly, beyond
easy to use. You might call it idiot proof! If you’ve never even heard of
ResEdit, you’ll love Excel 3.0 Menus! Version 1.1 fixes a couple of bugs
which most of you probably didn’t experience. Version 1.0 had the potential
to crash when the program was opened and when the user attempted to open a
copy of Excel. This version fixes this problem. Version 1.1 will also
intelligently enable and disable the Open and Close menu items, and will
not allow you to open applications other than Microsoft Excel.
Name = Eq.Plotter
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Bus:D-E:Eq.Plotter
Size: 41K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
Eq.Plotter - I am a Math and Computer teacher at a small High School in
Western New